Category Archive: General

Thermal Barrier Coatings for Greenhouses Benefits

There are many considerations to make when designing, building, and caring for a greenhouse. However, one factor that many people fail to consider in these processes is whether they should include the use of a thermal barrier coating. 

As this article will soon reveal, thermal barrier coatings have several benefits for greenhouses. We’ve collected four of the most prominent of those advantages and explained them in the sections below. Read on to learn of the fascinating ways that your greenhouse can improve via the application of a thermal barrier coating. 

Improved Insulation

The primary goal of any worthy greenhouse is to provide a protected, climate-controlled space in which plants can grow. Typically, many of the plants that live in a greenhouse come from a region that is much warmer than the location where the greenhouse stands. As such, it is crucial for a greenhouse to mitigate the effect of outside temperatures if those plants are to survive. 

To accomplish this essential goal, greenhouses need to have a reliable insulation system that prevents both cold and hot air outside from influencing the temperature inside. While there are multiple ways to improve insulations, the application of a thermal barrier coating is one of the most reliable. 

Thermal barrier coatings act as a protective layer that is incredibly capable of mitigating extreme temperature changes. By adding one of these coatings to your greenhouse, your plants have a better chance of surviving and thriving regardless of the weather outside. 

Greater Energy Efficiency

Whether you run a greenhouse or any other type of building, energy efficiency is something you should always consider. However, energy efficiency is especially important for greenhouses as it requires a surprising amount of energy to heat, light, and maintain a greenhouse. 

Over time, ongoing energy expenditure leads to high energy use and higher bills to pay for that energy use. Fortunately, thermal barrier coatings are the perfect solution for anyone who wants to increase the energy efficiency of the greenhouse they run.

Thermal barrier coatings are a protective layer that reduces the effect of outside temperatures. By mitigating the effect of those temperatures, thermal barrier coatings make it far easier for HVAC systems to operate and keep your internal climate at the ideal level. 

Thermal barrier coatings allow your HVAC system to operate with greater efficiency by reducing stress on it. Over the long term, this allows your system to have increased longevity while saving you money on energy costs. 

Reduced Corrosion

Many greenhouses include components that consist of metal. Overall, metal is a dependable building material that is both durable and long-lasting. However, it remains possible for issues to arise with this seemingly impenetrable material. 

For example, many metals are vulnerable to corrosion if they are exposed openly to moisture and other environmental elements. When corrosion occurs, it can essentially destroy your metals, making them incapable of performing their functional role. 

One of the most well-known benefits of thermal barrier coatings is that they are able to dramatically reduce the odds of corrosion. The protective layer that thermal barrier coatings provide seals metals from corrosive forces, making them better capable of lasting a long time. 

Protection from Sunlight

Many greenhouses include clear glass that allows sunlight in so that it can both warm the greenhouse and allow plants to photosynthesize. However, although it seems counterintuitive, there are some greenhouses that require protection from direct sun exposure. 

When a greenhouse sits in direct sunlight, the strength of the sun’s rays can cause plants to dry out and leaves to burn. This is especially true of plants that require a partial or full shade setting to perform their best. 

Fortunately, there are many products that you can use to coat the outside of your greenhouse and prevent harmful sun rays from damaging your plants. Among the most effective of those products are thermal barrier coatings.

Get the Thermal Barrier Coating Your Greenhouse Needs

Now that you know the benefits of using a thermal barrier coating for your greenhouse, you may wonder where the best place to find one of these products is. The good news is that ThermaCote is prepared to serve all of your thermal barrier coating needs. Reach out to us today to learn more about our industry-leading products and services. 

How Thermal Barrier Coatings Reduce Energy Bills

It is difficult to overstate the amazing benefits of thermal barrier coatings. But were you aware that among those many benefits, thermal barrier coatings also have an incredible ability to save you money on your energy bills? 

In this article, we’ll give a quick explanation of how thermal barrier coatings work and how their functionality leads to greater energy efficiency for your home or building. We’ll also highlight a few other ways that you can make sure your energy bills are as low as possible. 


How Do Thermal Barrier Coatings Work?

Before you can understand how thermal barrier coatings can lower your energy bills, you need to have a firm understanding of how they work in the first place. Thermal barrier coatings are a multi-layered material that you can apply to the outside of a building. 

Each of the layers in a thermal barrier coating plays a role in protecting the exterior of the building from the forces of nature outside. You can apply these coatings to many different types of surfaces to receive a long list of benefits that we’ll explain later. Among those benefits are energy cost savings that will certainly put some ease on your monthly budget. 


How Using a Thermal Barrier Coating Lowers Energy Costs

The clue to why thermal barrier coatings can lower energy costs is in their name. Thermal barrier coatings are excellent for mitigating the major differences in thermal energy that can exist inside and outside a building. 

In simpler terms, thermal barrier coatings provide a protective layer that limits the degree to which cold outside air can affect the temperature inside your building. By reducing the effect of cold outside air, your heating systems won’t need to work as hard to keep your indoor spaces comfortable. 

When your HVAC units don’t need to work as hard to perform their primary functions, they do not require as much energy as they would otherwise. This leads to lower overall energy use, which in turn leads to lower energy costs. 

As such, anyone who is interested in lowering their energy bills should consider applying a thermal barrier coating to the outside of their building. Even if there is a mild cost up-front, the savings you’ll experience as time goes on will dramatically outweigh what it costs to apply a thermal barrier coating. 


Additional Benefits of Thermal Barrier Coatings

Along with reducing energy costs, thermal barrier coatings provide many other advantages for the materials to which they are applied. Thermal barrier coatings have an overarching protective effect that makes them useful in many scenarios, from insulating a home to making manufacturing processes more efficient. 

Thermal barrier coatings also reduce condensation while also being breathable. They can also drastically reduce corrosion on metals, which allows those metals to have a much longer lifespan and require fewer repairs. 

Amazingly, while providing all those benefits, thermal barrier coatings remain lightweight and relatively easy to apply. Due to those admirable qualities, thermal barrier coatings have become a popular tool in many industries to help reduce energy costs and meet various other performance goals. 


Other Methods for Reducing Energy Bills

While thermal barrier coatings are fantastic for reducing energy bills, they are far from the only way to do so. In fact, there are many efforts that you can make to ensure you are not overspending on energy costs. 

One of the most effective ways to reduce energy bills is to install or upgrade your insulation. Insulation plays a crucial role in maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home. Over the years, insulation can degrade, which is why it is always a good decision to replace and repair it regularly. 

Along with improving your insulation, you should also evaluate your doors and windows. If they don’t fit well or create gaps, then you should get them repaired so that they are as airtight as possible. 

Lastly, there are several lifestyle changes you can make if you want to reduce your energy use. For instance, you can be strategic about heating and cooling areas only when they are in use. Similarly, unplugging appliances, using less hot water, replacing air filters, and more can all help your energy bills go down. 


Find the Best Thermal Barrier Coating for You

By now, it is clear that using a thermal barrier coating is an excellent way to reduce energy bills, whether in your home or for commercial buildings. However, not all thermal barrier coatings are equally capable of providing you with the benefits we mentioned above. 

At ThermaCote, we provide a top-of-the-line, high-performance thermal barrier coating that is perfect for both residential and commercial applications. Our product has superior corrosion protection and advanced ceramic technology that reduces energy transfer, as well as any thermal barrier coating you can find. 

The best part is that our thermal barrier coating is very easy to apply, and you won’t even notice it is there after a successful application. Once dry, our thermal barrier coating looks just like a standard latex paint. 

If you are interested in learning more about how thermal barrier coatings can offer you lower energy costs and provide the other benefits we mentioned in this article, reach out to us today to start a conversation. We’d love to share the many ways that our thermal barrier coating can benefit you. 

How is Thermal Barrier Coating Applied?

If you are familiar with thermal barrier coatings, then you are likely aware of the many benefits that they offer. However, that does not mean that you have a complete understanding of the thermal barrier coating application process. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how thermal barrier coatings are applied, including the ideal tools to use, the application process itself, and more. 


Thermal Barrier Coating Application Equipment

In many ways, the application of a thermal barrier coating to the exterior of a building is a lot like the process of painting that same building with normal paint. As such, a standard set of painting tools can be effective for applying a thermal barrier coating. 

However, while rollers and brushes will allow you to coat your building in thermal barrier coating eventually, there are quicker ways that you can perform this application. For example, one of the most convenient tools to use when applying a thermal barrier coating is an airless sprayer. 

Airless sprayers use high pressure to apply paint and other substances very quickly. These sprayers are excellent when you need to apply several gallons of thermal barrier coating over a large area, as is typically the case. 

Keep in mind that the type of thermal barrier coating product you have may require specific sprayer features and characteristics. As such, you should check the requirements of the thermal barrier coating you own before you settle on the ideal airless sprayer for you. 

Other than an airless sprayer and the thermal barrier coating itself, there is not much more you’ll need to complete an application of thermal barrier coating. Equipping yourself with other items you would typically use during a large-scale painting job, such as protection for yourself and any areas you do not want to cover with coating, should be enough to get the job done. 

Thermal Barrier Coating Application Process

After learning about the items you’ll need in the previous section, you’re now ready to begin learning the details of the thermal barrier coating application process. Below, we will detail the steps that the process involves. 

Protect Yourself and Your Application Area

Before beginning the thermal barrier coating application process, it is important to protect yourself and any important items that are near your application area but to which you do not want to apply the coating. 

Although many of the best thermal barrier coatings are environmentally friendly and pose no threat to human health once applied, it remains unadvisable to inhale the spray of a thermal barrier coating or any paint involved in the process. That’s why you should wear some form of mask as well as protective eyewear and gloves when applying thermal barrier coating. 

Likewise, you’ll want to take time to move any items that you don’t want to get coating on out of the application area. For any item that you cannot move, you should cover it in some way to protect it from the coating. Once you and your surroundings are sufficiently protected, you will be ready to move on. 

Prepare Your Sprayer and Thermal Barrier Coating

The manner in which you prepare your airless sprayer for use will vary depending on the model you own. However, you can expect most airless sprayers to have a pump feature that needs to be primed in some way before use. 

You should also check the filters of your airless sprayer before you use it. Surprisingly, for some thermal barrier coatings, removing the filters from within your sprayer makes the application process more efficient. Again, you should check the specifications of your thermal coating before deciding what to do with your sprayer filters. 

Along with preparing your airless sprayer, you may also need to prepare your thermal barrier coating. For applications to the exterior of a building, this often means mixing your thermal barrier coating with paint. 

Once you have prepared your airless sprayer and your thermal barrier coating, you should follow your airless sprayer’s instructions for filling the hose and gun with the coating. After that, you’ll be ready to begin the application stage. 

Apply the Thermal Barrier Coating

Once everything is in place and your airless sprayer is full of thermal barrier coating, applying the coating is as straightforward as any other paint job that uses a sprayer. Simply spray the coating over all areas that you want to have covered. 

As you spray, feel free to adjust the pressure output that your sprayer generates as needed. As is true regarding a typical paint job, it is often best to apply a second coat of thermal barrier coating after the first one. 

Allow the Thermal Barrier Coating to Dry

After you apply thermal barrier coating to the exterior of your building, all that’s left to do is allow it to dry. Once your thermal barrier coating is dry, it will be fully effective for improving the insulation and overall energy efficiency of your building. 

How Long Does it Take for Thermal Barrier Coating to Be Applied?

The steps we outlined in the previous section illustrate that the application process for thermal barrier coatings is not only straightforward, but it also does not take too much time to complete. In fact, the total time to apply thermal barrier coating is essentially the same as the amount of time it would take to complete a normal paint job. 

If you choose to use an airless sprayer, as is recommended, rather than a roller or brush, the application process will be about as quick as possible. The total time to apply depends on the size of your building, but it is safe to say that most applications take place in a few hours or less. 

Do You Need to Reapply a Thermal Barrier Coating?

If you have painted with regular paint before, then you know that you’ll likely need to reapply your paint at some point within the following five years or so. However, one of the greatest advantages of thermal barrier coating is that it is long-lasting. In fact, a typical application of thermal barrier coating may last up to 20 years or more. As such, if you know how to apply thermal barrier coating properly, it will serve you and your building well for years to come. 

How Do Thermal Coatings Work?

Thermal coatings are useful for anyone who wants to protect the exterior of a building from harsh environmental factors while also allowing the building to become more energy-efficient overall. These protective layers rely on cutting-edge science to reduce corrosion, mitigate the effect of temperature fluctuation, and much more. 

However, while thermal coatings are undeniably useful for improving a building envelope, many people remain unaware of how thermal coatings really work. In this article, we’ll provide a clear answer to that question and expand on the fantastic benefits that a well-applied thermal coating can provide. 


Thermal Coating Primary Functions

It is fair to say that a well-applied thermal coating can serve numerous uses at once. For example, thermal coatings are ideal for mitigating the effect of extreme temperature changes that take place outdoors. 

By reducing the transfer of energy, thermal coatings reduce the damage extreme heat and cold can inflict on the materials that comprise your building’s exterior. They also go a long way towards helping to keep your interior living spaces at a comfortable and consistent temperature. 

Simultaneously, the protective layers that a thermal coating provides do much more than reduce the effects of extreme temperatures. They also have an incredible ability to reduce corrosion and oxidation. This effect alone can dramatically increase the longevity of your building’s construction materials and improve the efficiency of your HVAC systems. 

This added external layer that a thermal coating provides also improves the overall insulation of your building. With that said, thermal coatings alone are not enough to provide effective insulation, but they do function as a positive contributing factor to a comprehensive insulation system.


Layers of a Thermal Barrier Coating

When attempting to understand how thermal coatings work, it can help to have an understanding of their basic anatomy. Thermal barrier coatings consist of multiple layers, each of which plays a key role in the coating’s ability to perform its primary functions. While the number of layers a thermal barrier coating has can vary, most have at least two layers. 

The first of those layers is the metallic bond coat, which has the simple role of forming a strong attachment between the thermal coating and the material to which you apply it. The second layer is the ceramic topcoat layer, which is responsible for providing thermal insulation and protection from the elements. 

At times, a thermal coating may have additional layers between the metallic bond coat and the ceramic topcoat layer. However, you can expect those two primary layers to be present in all thermal coatings as they are what allow the coating to stick to and protect a building’s exterior. 

What Materials Can Thermal Coatings Protect?

By now, you likely have a decent understanding of the basic anatomy and function of a thermal barrier coating. However, you are likely still wondering what materials a thermal coating is capable of protecting. Below is a non-exhaustive list of some of the many materials to which you can apply a thermal coating:

  • Metal
  • Glass
  • Wood
  • Sheetrock
  • Concrete 
  • Plastic
  • Asphalt
  • Masonry

As you can see, there are plenty of common construction materials that can benefit from the application of a thermal coating. As such, you would be right to guess that thermal coatings have many real-world applications, as the next section will detail. 

Thermal Coating Applications

Since thermal coatings are so effective in protecting and preserving the integrity of different materials, it is not at all surprising that they have many different applications. For instance, thermal coatings are incredibly valuable in a wide range of manufacturing practices. 

We won’t detail those many manufacturing uses here, as it is enough to know that in those scenarios, thermal coatings are excellent for moderating the temperature of machinery while also reducing friction and providing the same anti-corrosion effect we mentioned earlier. This leads to greater operational efficiency and a longer lifespan for manufacturing equipment of all sorts. 

Additionally, thermal barrier coatings are equally useful for improving the building envelope of a residential or commercial building. The term building envelope essentially refers to the protective seal that your building’s exterior provides between the outdoors and your indoor spaces. Thermal barrier coatings help to strengthen that protective seal to improve the longevity and energy efficiency of your building. 

Long-Term Advantages of Thermal Coatings

While it is useful to understand how thermal coatings work, it is just as vital to clearly see the immense benefits that using a thermal coating can provide. After all, if it were not for these incredible advantages, it would not be worth explaining the functionality of a thermal coating in the first place. 

The first and perhaps most obvious benefit of a thermal coating is energy efficiency. By protecting materials and equipment from the damaging effects of extreme temperature fluctuation it allows those materials and equipment to function more efficiently. This leads to lower overall energy use for those who use thermal coatings. 

Unsurprisingly, the protection a thermal coating provides reduces the rate at which materials degrade while also reducing the odds of damage. Thus, a thermal barrier coating is able to boost the overall lifespan of the materials it covers. 

Ultimately, the previously mentioned advantages of thermal coatings lead to what may be the greatest advantage of all: long-term cost savings. When a thermal coating improves the energy efficiency of a building, heating and cooling costs go down. Likewise, when materials have a longer lifespan, you’ll need to replace them less often, leading to more cost savings. 

Are Thermal Coatings Worth the Cost?

You’ll need to evaluate the functionality and long-term advantages of a thermal barrier coating before deciding if using one is right for you. At times, the upfront costs of applying a thermal barrier coating are off putting to some. However, it is important to compare that initial cost to the lifespan that a typical thermal coating has. 

In many cases, a single application of a thermal barrier coating can last for multiple decades. During that time, your thermal coating will continually provide the energy efficiency and cost-saving benefits that have made them so popular across multiple industries. With that in mind, applying a thermal coating proves to be a wise option for most in the long run.

Will a Thermal Barrier Coating Make My Warehouse Warmer?

Maintaining warm temperatures in large spaces like warehouses can be challenging and costly. Many warehouse managers start exploring heating efficiency options as winter approaches to reduce expenses. One option to consider is applying an energy-saving thermal barrier coating to your building envelope.

What Exactly is a Thermal Barrier Coating?

A thermal barrier coating is a protective membrane applied in liquid form to building surfaces. It dries to form an airtight seal that helps regulate interior temperatures year-round. Thermal coatings work by either absorbing heat from sunlight or reflecting it away from the structure. For example:

Reflective white thermal coatings block summertime heat gain yet still allow warm winter sunlight to pass through. This balancing effect helps maintain steady, comfortable interior temperatures no matter the season.

Dark-colored thermal coatings absorb heat from solar energy in the colder months. The coating then radiates warmth indoors to raise and sustain interior temperatures throughout winter.

Unlike insulation, thermal barrier coatings can cover large areas quickly. 

They are applied directly onto the building envelope using spray equipment or rollers without disrupting operations. Facility managers like using thermal coatings because they provide immediate thermal protection and energy savings across disconnected spaces like warehouses.

Four Key Benefits for Warehouses

There are several compelling reasons warehouse owners should consider installing thermal barrier coatings:

1. Reduce Heating and Cooling Energy Expenses

Properly installed thermal coatings moderate interior warehouse temperatures year-round. By keeping harsh outdoor heat and cold at bay, your facility can maintain comfort levels while running HVAC systems less often. Owners typically see a 25 percent or more drop in annual energy bills.

2. Prevent Moisture Accumulation and Corrosion

Unprotected metal panels on warehouses often attract moisture from condensation. This moisture causes corrosion, mold growth and deteriorates insulation over time. A resilient thermal barrier coating seals the building envelope to block moisture ingress. The airtight membrane protects asset integrity and health hazards.

3. Improve Working Conditions and Productivity

Maintaining warmer wintertime temperatures keeps warehouse staff comfortable and productive. Thermal coatings help supplement workspace heating systems overwhelmed by large air volumes. Steady warmth reduces health issues, injuries and lost productivity tied to cold facilities.

4. Rapid Installation With Minimal Disruption

Accessibility is a major benefit of using coatings over rigid insulation. Install crews apply protective thermal coatings directly to roofs and walls from outside the structure. This exterior process lets normal warehouse operations continue with minimal interruption. The liquid coatings also cure rapidly to offer immediate thermal protection after application.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Surface Preparation is Required Before Application?

Crews first wash surfaces with pressure to remove loose dirt, grease and chalking. Any structural issues like leaks must also be repaired beforehand to ensure proper adhesion.

How Long Should This Coating Last?

Depending on coating type and proper maintenance, thermal barrier coatings reliably last up to 30 years. Annual inspections ensure your coating maintains peak efficiency.

Want to Improve Warehouse Efficiency This Winter?

Contact us today to find a distributor. 

Our team of energy-efficiency experts can evaluate your warehouse and specify the optimal thermal barrier coating solution. Let us help you maximize savings and comfort this winter season. ThermaCote® serves all industries nationwide. Call or request a quote online to discuss winterizing your warehouse now.

Are Thermal Barrier Coatings Recyclable?

Thermal barrier coatings like those produced by industry leader ThermaCote® provide critical protection and energy efficiency benefits for commercial, industrial and residential structures. But what happens when it’s time to demolish or replace those structures? Are the coatings recyclable?

Understanding Thermal Barrier Coatings

Specialized thermal barrier coatings are painted or plastered on building interiors to reflect heat and reduce energy transfer through walls, ceilings and floors. By slowing heat flow, the coatings boost efficiency and cut utility bills.

As a manufacturer with over 30 years of experience, ThermaCote® utilizes advanced polymer resin technologies to develop specialized coatings. Their products enhance efficiency and safety without polluting indoor or outdoor environments per Environmental Protection Agency guidelines.

Rigorously tested formulations maximize energy savings across varying climate zones. ThermaCote’s coatings seal building envelopes to dramatically improve insulation performance.

Evaluating Recyclability

ThermaCote’s specialized thermal barrier coatings provide lasting efficiency gains, but what about recyclability down the road?

Unfortunately, current materials used in thermal barrier coatings do not easily separate from underlying substrates at end-of-life due to strong adhesion properties. This precludes recycling in most cases. Instead, the coatings remain bonded to building materials that are themselves disposed of or recycled.

While not currently recyclable, ThermaCote® strives to develop sustainable thermal barrier products. Their coatings provide dramatic energy savings and carbon emission reductions over decades of use — far outweighing disposal impacts by factors of 20 or more. Responsible manufacturing methods also minimize environmental footprints.

Driving Future Innovation

Recycling technology continues advancing across industries, bringing hopes for recyclable thermal coatings. As a leader, ThermaCote® is well positioned to drive these innovations once the technology matures.

In the interim, their coatings deliver significant sustainability benefits by slashing heating and cooling energy usage over long working lifespans. By some estimates, the efficiency gains outweigh disposal considerations by factors of 20 or more. Their use reduces the environmental impacts of operating structures over 30-plus-year timeframes.

Boost Efficiency With a Trusted Leader

ThermaCote® has over 30 years of leadership developing specialized thermal barrier coatings. Their solutions deliver decades of energy savings while advancing greener building. Contact ThermaCote® to boost efficiency or locate an authorized dealer to meet your insulation coating needs. Investing in sustainability has never made more sense.


What materials are used in ThermaCote® coatings?

Proprietary polymeric resin formulations make up the primary components. Some products incorporate ceramic microspheres or particles for increased insulation. Testing ensures interior air quality and low VOC emissions per Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standards.

What happens if a building with coatings is demolished?

ThermaCote® thermal barrier coatings remain permanently adhered to substrates. If a building is demolished, the coatings stay attached to structural materials like drywall or concrete during disposal and recycling. Other disposal methods may be used such as waste-to-energy to further minimize landfilling.

How long do the coatings last before reapplication?

Correct interior application ensures ThermaCote® coatings last for a structure’s lifetime — typically 30-plus years. This durability and longevity provides sustainability by reducing repaint waste. Building demolition necessitates disposal.

Do Thermal Barrier Coatings Come in Different Colors?

Thermal barrier coatings like ThermaCote® are innovative solutions for waterproofing and insulating buildings. As advanced protective layers, they act as barriers to conductive, convective and radiative heat transfer. 

This helps maintain comfortable interior temperatures and reduce costly energy expenses. But do these coatings only come in basic white? Or are other aesthetic color options available?

ThermaCote® Weather Barrier Technology

ThermaCote® has led the weather barrier coatings industry for over 30 years. Our products are engineered to seal the building envelope of any structure, preventing unwanted heat and cold transfer. This dramatically improves energy efficiency, comfort and indoor air quality.

ThermaCote’s coatings work by using ceramic microspheres and acrylic polymers to create a flexible insulating layer. You can apply ThermaCote® coatings to various common construction materials including sheetrock, wood, glass, plastic, concrete and metal. They perform well for both interior and exterior applications in residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

One key benefit that distinguishes us from competitors is the wide range of aesthetic color options available. So you don’t have to sacrifice visually appealing designs for optimal thermal performance.

ThermaCote Comes in Diverse Color Choices

Unlike more generic reflective coatings, ThermaCote® is available in 19 standard color choices beyond basic white. This allows for more seamless visual integration across different architectural builds and styles.

The “Cool Colors” palette includes popular tones like:

  • Sand Beige – a warm, neutral beige fitting for desert environments.
  • Latte – a creamy, approachable brown evoking a coffee shop vibe.
  • Slate – a cool-toned gray reminiscent of stone or concrete.
  • Charcoal – a deep, moody gray perfect for modern minimalist designs.
  • Buttercup – a cheerful, radiant yellow.
  • Sonoma Green – an earthy, organic green invoking the California wine country.

You can also use ThermaCote® as a versatile primer layer. So virtually any paint color can be 

applied on top as a finishing topcoat. This infinite customization ability enables completely unique designs not limited by premade colors.

Reviewing the ThermaCote® Color Chart to Inspire Your Project Vision

To see the complete Cool Colors palette offered, review the ThermaCote® color chart.

Here you’ll see how the colors render when applied to real-world substrates. The rich, muted tones include:

  • Cappuccino – a warm, inviting brown like the popular coffee drink.
  • Mountain Fog – an elegant, weathered blue-gray evoking misty peaks.
  • Primrose – a soft, rosy neutral bridging pink and beige.

With options ranging from bright vivid primaries to natural, subtle earth tones, you’re sure to find coatings to complement designs from traditional to modern.

Custom Color Matching Provides Unlimited Possibilities

Don’t see your perfect color among the ThermaCote® standard collection? No problem. Our in-house design team provides custom color matching and coating formulation upon request.

You can select any paint chip, Pantone color or other physical sample. 

Our experts will then use spectral analysis to formulate a matching thermal barrier coating. This made-to-order service ensures you don’t have to compromise aesthetics or performance.

Spectral analysis is a scientific technique that uses light spectra to identify the precise chemical composition of materials. It allows for extremely accurate color matching.

The Benefits of Utilizing Colored Thermal Protective Layers

Choosing a colored ThermaCote® coating over basic white provides several advantages for your project:

  • Matches surrounding architecture and design elements for visual cohesion.
  • Blends into the environmental landscape, avoiding jarring contrasts.
  • Darker tones add UV resistance, protecting exterior substrates.
  • Eliminates the need for you to apply separate primer coats.
  • Allows for creative custom designs not limited by prefab options.

Don’t settle for a stark white coating on your next thermal insulation project. Take advantage of the diverse color options ThermaCote® has to offer you.

Experience the Colorful Benefits for Yourself

ThermaCote® thermal barrier coatings deliver best-in-class weatherproofing, temperature regulation and durability. And now you know they come in beautiful customized colors too.

Connect with ThermaCote® today to learn more about our color matching services. Our team will help you design the ideal colorful coating for your particular project requirements.


Transform your building’s aesthetic appeal and thermal performance with ThermaCote® – the innovation leader in colored weather barrier technology.

What is the Best Thermal Barrier Coating?

As is true of many products, not all thermal barrier coatings offer equal benefits and performance capabilities. Instead, some of these coatings prove to be far more effective than others. 

We’ll begin this article with a quick overview of how thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) work and their primary uses. After that, we’ll share the details of what makes for a top-of-the-line thermal barrier coating and introduce what we believe to be the leading product in this industry. 


Basics of Thermal Barrier Coatings

Before we can discuss what makes one thermal barrier coating better than another, let’s cover the basics of what these coatings are and how they work. In the simplest sense, thermal barrier coatings are nothing more than a protective layer that enhances the longevity and performance of specific materials. 

Thermal barrier coatings reduce thermal energy transfer, which allows them to mitigate the ill effects that extreme temperature changes can have on buildings, manufacturing processes, and much more. These coatings can also reduce both condensation and corrosion, which allows materials to last much longer than they normally would. 

Most thermal barrier coatings include at least two layers, the first of which helps the coating bind to the surface. The second layer is responsible for providing the protective benefits mentioned above. The application of these layers has become common practice in several industries, as the next section will show. 


Uses of Thermal Barrier Coatings

Thanks to the incredible benefits of TBCs, they have gained widespread use throughout several industries. Below is a list of some of the most common uses of thermal barrier coatings:

  • Improving building envelope for residential and commercial buildings
  • Automotive, aerospace, and other forms of manufacturing
  • Marine applications
  • Aircraft turbines and engines
  • Shipping and transportation

The uses of thermal barrier coatings do not end there, but the list above provides insights into the most common ones. Regardless of the scenario or use, thermal barrier coatings continue to prove their worth, thanks to their thermal energy reduction capabilities and their anti-corrosion properties. 

General Types of Thermal Barrier Coatings

While most TBCs perform a similar function, there remain several different types of thermal barrier coatings that you should be aware of. Below are some of the most prevalent general types of thermal barrier coatings, each of which includes a brief description of its main use:

  • Aluminide – fantastic for mitigating the negative effects of rust and corrosion. 
  • Metal-glass composite – amazing ability to form a strong bond with material surfaces
  • Mullite – excellent for diesel engines.
  • Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) – one of the most common, useful for gas turbines and diesel engines
  • YSZ + Ceria – adds greater thermal shock resistance to the already capable YSZ

Understanding all the details of what makes these types of thermal barrier coatings advantageous requires specialty knowledge that most people don’t have. However, it remains helpful to at least have an idea of the main types that are out there and some of the specific ways they are used. 

Thermal Coat

What to Look for in a Thermal Barrier Coating

All thermal barrier coatings are able to provide fantastic benefits in many industries. However, when searching for the ideal thermal barrier coating, there are some characteristics that make certain products stand out from the competition. Below is a quick list of some of the best qualities to look for in a thermal barrier coating:

  • A breathable vapor barrier
  • Condensation reduction
  • Excellent solar reflectance
  • Minimal shrinkage after application
  • Lightweight for easy application
  • Broad application range for quick application

Again, most, if not all, TBCs will provide outstanding benefits regardless of use. However, the leading thermal barrier coatings on the market today include these advantageous characteristics as well. 

Get the Best Thermal Barrier Coating on the Market Today!

Now that you have learned about some of the general types of thermal barrier coatings and some of the main considerations to make when purchasing one, you are ready to learn about one of the best thermal barrier coating products in the industry. 

ThermaCote®is a high-performance thermal barrier coating that is perfect for indoor and outdoor use in both residential and commercial applications. ThermaCote® has a superior ability to protect against corrosion, and its high-tech design allows it to drastically reduce the transfer of energy while providing excellent insulation for buildings. 

One of the best features of the ThermaCote®thermal barrier coating is that it is not only highly functional but also attractive to the eye after application. Once applied and dried, ThermaCote®looks just like an application of standard latex paint. 

In addition to those amazing benefits, ThermaCote® is also easy to apply and is perfect for buildings of all types, along with HVAC equipment and ductwork. Applying ThermaCote®today will help your building be better insulated, more long-lasting, and drastically more energy efficient. 

Learn More from the ThermaCote®Team

There is plenty to learn about within the world of thermal barrier coatings. In fact, this article only scratches the surface of what these coatings can do. As such, if you want to learn more about thermal barrier coatings, it is best to seek the support of an expert. 

At ThermaCote, we have dedicated ourselves to developing the most cutting-edge weather barriers and protective coatings in the world for the past three decades. Over that time, we have learned what it takes to enhance the energy efficiency and performance of many materials through the application of high-tech protective coatings. 

If you are interested in learning more about how we match our customers to the best thermal barrier coating solutions for them, we would love to hear from you. Reach out to us today to start a conversation and learn more about what ThermaCote® can do.

What Are Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBCs)?

If you have never heard of thermal barrier coatings, then you likely have little to no idea about the amazing benefits that they can provide. For anyone interested in learning more about the basics of thermal barrier coatings and the benefits they offer, you have come to the right place. 

In this article, we’ll tell you what a thermal barrier coating is, how incredibly beneficial it can be, and share a few specific uses of these coatings. Read on to learn everything you need to know and determine if using a thermal barrier coating is right for you. 


What is a Thermal Barrier Coating?

A thermal barrier coating is nothing more than a protective layer that helps to improve the performance and longevity of various materials. These coatings help to mitigate extreme temperature differences, reduce corrosion, and much more. Since they are able to offer these fantastic benefits and are relatively easy to apply, thermal barrier coatings have become common throughout many industries. 

Anatomy of a Thermal Barrier Coating

While it is easiest to think of a thermal barrier coating as a single protective layer, the reality is that these coatings consist of multiple layers, each of which plays a specific role in the coating’s functionality. The total number of layers in a thermal barrier coating can vary. However, it is safe to assume that nearly all thermal barrier coatings will have at least two layers. 

The first layer is known as the metallic bond coat. This layer is responsible for forming a strong attachment between the thermal barrier coating and the material it protects. The second layer is called the ceramic topcoat, which is responsible for providing the main benefits of thermal barrier coatings, including insulation, corrosion resistance, and general protection from the elements. 

Some thermal barrier coatings will include additional layers that lie between the bond coat and the topcoat. However, you can assume that nearly all coatings will include the two layers we described above at a minimum. 

Materials that Thermal Barrier Coatings Can Protect

Part of the reason that thermal barrier coatings have become so widespread is that they are incredibly versatile and can help protect many different kinds of materials. Though non-exhaustive, the list below indicates some of the many materials that a thermal barrier coating can protect:

  • Asphalt
  • Concrete
  • Glass
  • Masonry
  • Metal
  • Plastic


Since these materials are present in many different types of construction and in the manufacturing processes within many industries, the popularity of thermal barrier coatings has only grown over the years. The next section will help explain why that is the case by detailing more of the specific benefits that these coatings can afford. 

Benefits of Thermal Barrier Coatings

Thermal barrier coatings prove to be highly effective in multiple ways. Below are some of the top benefits that you can expect to experience if you choose to use a thermal barrier coating. 

Reduction of Thermal Energy Transfer

The most prominent benefit of a thermal barrier coating is its ability to reduce the transfer of thermal energy. This feature is most beneficial in situations that involve extreme temperature changes. 

For example, when applied to the exterior of a house, the thermal energy transfer reduction that a thermal barrier coating provides will have an insulating effect on the home. In this scenario, the coating drastically reduces the effect that extreme exterior temperature changes can have on the interior living spaces of your home. 

Similarly, the reduction in thermal energy transfer is also what allows these coatings to be beneficial to many manufacturing processes. During manufacturing, machinery can quickly become very hot as it operates. The thermal barrier coating reduces the effect of that heat increase, which allows the machinery to operate more efficiently and for longer. 

Reduced Corrosion

The protective elements of a thermal barrier coating also help to keep moisture out. By mitigating the effect of moisture, thermal barrier coatings can dramatically reduce the rate at which certain materials rust and corrode. 

Reducing corrosion helps to make certain materials, such as many types of metal, to remain intact for longer. This allows them to perform at full capacity for much longer than they would if they had no protection from the corrosive effects of moisture. 

Improved Energy Efficiency

Ultimately, the previous two benefits of thermal barrier coatings lead to this final advantage, by reducing corrosion and the negative effect of extreme temperature changes, thermal barrier coatings allow buildings and manufacturing facilities to become far more energy efficient. 

Energy efficiency is something we should all strive for, as it has various benefits for us and the planet. Not only does reducing energy use have a positive environmental impact, but it also helps to reduce your energy costs. Whether you have a single-family home, or you run an extensive manufacturing plant, lower energy costs will only benefit your bottom line. 

Uses of Thermal Barrier Coatings

Before we conclude, let’s illustrate some of the many ways that thermal barrier coatings help people achieve their goals in the real world. As mentioned previously. These coatings have a special place in many different industries. Below is a list of some of the most common applications for thermal barrier coatings:

  • Improving building envelop for residential and commercial buildings
  • Automotive manufacturing
  • Aerospace engineering
  • Marine applications
  • Shipping and transportation

Clearly, the impact of thermal barrier coatings has touched a wide range of industries. That broad use alone should be enough to convince you that using a thermal barrier coating is worth it. Using a thermal barrier coating will help manage extreme temperatures, enhance the longevity of materials, and make you more energy efficient, regardless of your industry. 

Get the Best Thermal Barrier Coating for You

While the benefits of thermal barrier coatings cannot be understated, not all thermal barrier coatings are equally capable of providing them. Instead, some thermal barrier coating products prove to have better performance capabilities than the competitors. 

At ThermaCote®, we supply top-of-the-line thermal barrier coatings to industry-leading professionals in many different fields. If you are interested in learning more about how ThermaCote® can benefit you, reach out today!

What Materials Can Thermal Barrier Coatings Bond To?

Thermal barrier coatings like those offered by ThermaCote® are specially formulated protective coatings designed to provide an insulating barrier that reduces conductive heat transfer through surfaces. But what kinds of materials can these advanced coatings bond to effectively?

An In-Depth Look at Thermal Barrier Coatings

Thermal barrier coatings work by reflecting radiant heat and slowing down conductive heat flow. They create an insulating layer that helps maintain comfortable indoor temperatures while lowering energy usage and costs associated with heating and cooling systems.

The coatings offered by industry leader ThermaCote® leverage over 30 years of R&D focus. This high-grade technology has now been adapted into best-in-class thermal solutions used today on all types of residential, commercial and industrial structures.


Broad Material Compatibility for Limitless Applications

Unlike niche thermal paints designed for only specific uses, ThermaCote® barrier coatings bond effectively to many common substrates:


  • Steel (galvanized, stainless, etc.)
  • Aluminum
  • Copper
  • Other metals with proper surface preparation

Our barriers provide excellent corrosion resistance and prevent oxidation while reducing heat conduction.

Wood & Wood Composites

  • Plywood, pine lumber, cedar, redwood
  • OSB board
  • Particle board
  • Cement board siding

ThermaCote resists moisture absorption to prevent warping while limiting heat/cold transfer through walls and ceilings. Our advanced formula penetrates porous material for superior bonding.

Masonry Materials

  • Concrete foundations, bricks, cinder blocks
  • Stone surfaces like granite, marble, sandstone

Our formulation seals porous surfaces and limits temperature variations that can cause cracking and structural issues.

Roofing Materials

  • Asphalt, wood, metal, tile shingles
  • Single ply TPO or PVC membranes
  • Foam, coated metal, gravel roofs

Roof coatings prevent heat conduction through the roof deck for improved insulation performance while also allowing condensation to properly flow outward instead of dripping internally.

Other Compatible Materials

  • Glass
  • Plastics like PVC, ABS
  • Canvas
  • Hardy plank siding

Essentially, our coatings can adhere to any clean, dry substrate regardless of porosity or surface texture. Our on-staff project engineers can advise on ideal preparation techniques for your specific application.


Core Benefits of ThermaCote® Solutions

ThermaCote’s® 30-year track record of proven field results on thousands of installations makes them the trusted name in thermal barrier technology. Core benefits include:

Energy Savings

ThermaCote® coatings drive down electricity/gas usage helping achieve net-zero building goals through maximized insulation performance. Our energy audit team can estimate potential cost reductions.

Moisture & Temperature Control

Balanced surface temperatures prevent condensation dripping while impermeable barriers protect against leaks, wind, rain/snow loads.

Corrosion & Fire Protection

Several ThermaCote® products provide specialized resistance against rust, extreme heat/flames and more.

Ultimately, ThermaCote® leverages cutting-edge science to create protective coatings that stand the test of time across virtually any application.


Get a Free Consultation on Your Thermal Coating Project

Wondering if ThermaCote® is right for your project? Contact us at (888) 389-0628 to review your needs with our thermal engineering team. We provide free consultations, recommendations, and more.


So, Which Building Materials Should You Use Thermal Barriers On?

While the main deciding factor is the specific thermal goals for your structure, virtually any material used in construction from wood framing to steel I-beams can benefit from supplemental insulation coatings like those ThermaCote® provides.

If your project involves any combination of common metals, roofing products, wood or masonry structures, adding a protective thermal barrier is advisable to limit seasonal temperature variations that reduce operational efficiency and accelerate wear-and-tear over the years.

The versatility and custom-engineered performance offered by ThermaCote® makes our coating an ideal value-add to integrate into any new build, restoration or weatherization project.


FAQs About ThermaCote® Thermal Barrier Coatings

What level of surface prep is needed?

Thorough cleaning to remove loose paint/debris combined with light abrasion (sanding, pressure wash) ensures proper adhesion. Severely corroded metals may require extra work.

How long do the coatings last?

With adequate surface prep and application per manufacturer guidelines, ThermaCote® coatings deliver 20+ years of reliable thermal protection with one of the longest warranties available.

Can coatings be applied over previously painted areas?

Yes, assuming prior finishes are well-bonded without major flaking/peeling. Adhesion testing in small sections is recommended along with abrading glossy surfaces.