What is ThermaCote®?

Ther­ma­Cote® is a high per­for­mance Weather Bar­rier that incor­po­rates ceramic tech­nol­ogy to pro­duce a fluid applied material.

How is it applied?

The rec­om­mended appli­ca­tion method is to spray apply Ther­ma­Cote® to achieve the most cohe­sive and even finish.

Is this a prod­uct for res­i­den­tial or com­mer­cial use?

Ther­ma­Cote® acts to improve the energy effi­ciency and safety in any struc­ture, res­i­den­tial or commercial.

Are there color options?

Yes. ThermaCote® comes in a wide range of “Cool Colors.” Also, Ther­ma­Cote® can act as your primer coat and will accept any top coat color you choose.

Is it safe for indoor use?

Yes, Ther­ma­Cote® is safe for indoor use and it is third-party cer­ti­fied green to California’s Indoor Air Qual­ity Stan­dards in Class­rooms and Offices (DHS 01350). The VOC level of Ther­ma­Cote® is ultra low at 5.3 G/L, which is much friend­lier to your indoor envi­ron­ment than the major­ity of paint/coating prod­ucts on the mar­ket today.

Can you paint over it?

Ther­ma­Cote® is a great primer as it has built-in cor­ro­sion inhibitors and will pro­long the life of your structure.

Where can I buy ThermaCote®?

Ther­ma­Cote® is avail­able through a select net­work of con­trac­tors and rep­re­sen­ta­tives. Con­tact us at (888) 389−0628 to find your local dealer.

How often do I need to re-apply?

Inte­rior appli­ca­tions will last the life of the struc­ture with no re-??application nec­es­sary. Exte­rior appli­ca­tions will typ­i­cally require a re-application around 10–15 years depen­dent on cli­mate con­di­tions and proper sub­strate care (roof wash­ing 1x a year).

What are the most com­mon applications?

Metal roof and metal struc­ture appli­ca­tions are the most com­mon. Res­i­den­tial struc­tures and con­crete slabs are eco­nom­i­cal and effi­cient appli­ca­tions as well.

What sub­strates does it apply to?

Steel, wood, con­crete, masonry block and brick, asphalt shin­gles, plas­tic, glass, can­vas, hardy plank, etc. Ther­ma­Cote® will apply to almost any clean and dry surface.

Any are LEED points attrib­uted to this product?

Yes, LEED or Lead­er­ship in Energy and Envi­ron­men­tal Design, con­sists of a suite of rat­ing sys­tems for the design, con­struc­tion, and oper­a­tion of high per­for­mance green build­ings, homes and neigh­bor­hoods. For more spe­cific infor­ma­tion on LEED points go to www.usgbc.org/LEED.

What is the cov­er­age rate?

Cov­er­age rates typ­i­cally aver­age 50 ft²/gallon with a 20 mil wet film thick­ness application.

What quan­ti­ties are available?

Ther­ma­Cote® is avail­able start­ing at a small pal­let quan­tity of 180 gal­lons and up. The prod­uct is pack­aged in 5 gal­lon buckets.

What are the required appli­ca­tion conditions?

To ensure the prod­uct will dry and cure prop­erly it is advised that the spray­ing con­di­tions main­tain a tem­per­a­ture of at least 55 °F.

What type of stor­age is recommended?

Ther­ma­Cote® should be stored inside, out of direct sun­light and pro­tected from extreme heat and/​or freez­ing temperatures.

Is ThermaCote® recyclable?

Ther­ma­Cote® once applied to a struc­ture is not recy­clable but it will last the life of the struc­ture when installed on the interior.

Is it haz­ardous to the environment?

No, Ther­ma­Cote® is made with no haz­ardous ingre­di­ents and it is not harm­ful to the envi­ron­ment dur­ing man­u­fac­ture or application.

Is this a prod­uct for inte­rior and/or exte­rior applications?

Yes, this is an excel­lent prod­uct for both inte­rior and exte­rior appli­ca­tions, offer­ing you numer­ous appli­ca­tion options.

How do I become a cer­ti­fied applicator?

Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion is a multi-step process that can usu­ally be com­pleted in one ses­sion either on your job site or at Ther­ma­Cote®, Inc. head­quar­ters. Please con­tact us at 888-389-0628 to learn more about the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion process.

Can you clean it?

It is rec­om­mended that you clean all exte­rior appli­ca­tions as needed and inte­rior appli­ca­tions can be cleaned as needed with a wet sponge.

What does the fin­ished prod­uct look like?

Ther­ma­Cote® dries to a fin­ish that looks like flat latex paint.

Do you offer a warranty?

We offer a 10-year war­ranty on roofs when a main­te­nance plan is in place with the installing contractor.


The glossary below contains terms used commonly in the paint and coatings industry to describe the characteristics, usage, and components of paints and coatings.
  • A-E

    ABATEMENT: Involves either removal of the painted sur­face, cov­er­ing the painted sur­face with an imper­me­able sur­face, or cov­er­ing sur­face with heavy-​​duty coat­ing (encapsulant).

    ACRYLIC: A syn­thetic resin used in high-​​performance water-​​based coat­ings. A coat­ing in which the binder con­tains acrylic resins.

    ADHESION: The abil­ity of dry paint to attach to and remain fixed on the sur­face with­out blis­ter­ing, flak­ing, crack­ing or being removed by tape.

    AEROSOL: A prod­uct that uses com­pressed gas to spray the coat­ing from its container. Historical Note: Aerosol paint prod­ucts have not con­tained chlorofluorocarbons–CFCs–since 1978.

    AIR CURE: One method by which liq­uid coat­ings cure to a dry film. Oxy­gen from the air enters the film and cross-links the resin mol­e­cules. Also called “Air Dry” and “Oxidizing.”

    ALKYD: Syn­thetic resin mod­i­fied with oil. Coat­ing that con­tains alkyd resins in the binder.

    AMIDE: A func­tional group which can act as an epoxy resin cur­ing agent.

    ANTI-FOULING PAINT: Paints for­mu­lated espe­cially for boat decks and hulls, docks and other below-​​water-​​line sur­faces and struc­tures to pre­vent the growth of bar­na­cles and other organ­isms on ships’ bottoms.

    BINDER: Solid ingre­di­ents in a coat­ing that hold the pig­ment par­ti­cles in sus­pen­sion and attach them to the sub­strate. Con­sists of resins (e.g., oils, alkyd, latex). The nature and amount of binder deter­mine many of the paint’s per­for­mance properties–washability, tough­ness, adhe­sion, color reten­tion, etc.

    BLISTERING: For­ma­tion of dome-​​shaped pro­jec­tions in paints or var­nish films result­ing from local loss of adhe­sion and liftin­g of the film from the under­ly­ing surface.

    BODY: The thick­ness or vis­cos­ity of a fluid.

    BOILED OIL: Lin­seed (some­times soya) oil that was for­merly heated for faster dry­ing. Today, chem­i­cal agents are added to speed up the dry­ing process.

    BUTADIENE: A gas which is chem­i­cally com­bined with styrene to cre­ate a resin used in latex binders, styrene-​​butadiene.

    CATALYST: Sub­stance whose pres­ence increases the rate of a chem­i­cal reac­tion, e.g., acid cat­a­lyst added to an epoxy resin sys­tem to accel­er­ate dry­ing time.

    CHALKING: For­ma­tion of a pow­der on the sur­face of a paint film caused by dis­in­te­gra­tion of the binder dur­ing weath­er­ing. Can be affected by the choice of pig­ment or binder.

    CHROMA: A mea­sure­ment of color. The degree of sat­u­ra­tion of a hue. A color at its full inten­sity has max­i­mum chroma.

    CLEAR COATING: A trans­par­ent pro­tec­tive and/​or dec­o­ra­tive film; gen­er­ally the final coat of sealer applied to auto­mo­tive finishes.

    COALESCENT AID: The small amount of sol­vent con­tained in latex coat­ings. Not a true sol­vent since it does not actu­ally dis­solve the latex resins, the coa­les­cent aid helps the latex resins flow together, aid­ing in film formation.

    COATING: A paint, var­nish, lac­quer or other fin­ish used to cre­ate a pro­tec­tive and/​or dec­o­ra­tive layer. Gen­er­ally used to refer to paints and coat­ings applied in an indus­trial set­ting as part of the orig­i­nal equip­ment manufacturer’s (OEM) process.

    COHESION: A bond­ing together of a sin­gle sub­stance to itself. Inter­nal adhesion.

    COLORANT: Con­cen­trated color (dyes or pig­ments) that can be added to paints to make spe­cific colors.

    COLORFAST: Non-​​fading in pro­longed expo­sure to light.

    COLOR RETENTION: The abil­ity of paint to keep its orig­i­nal color. Major threats to color reten­tion are expo­sure to ultra­vi­o­let radi­a­tion and abra­sion by weather or repeated cleaning.

    CORROSION INHIBITIVE: A type of metal paint or primer that pre­vents rust by pre­vent­ing mois­ture from reach­ing the metal. Zinc phos­phate, bar­ium metab­o­rate and stron­tium chro­mate (all pig­ments) are com­mon ingre­di­ents in corrosion-​​inhibitive coat­ings. These pig­ments absorb any mois­ture that enters the paint film.

    CREOSOTE: A liq­uid coat­ing made from coal tar once used as a wood preser­v­a­tive. It has been banned for con­sumer use because of poten­tial health risks.

    CURE, CURING: The process when a liq­uid coat­ing becomes a hard film.

    DEAD FLAT: No gloss or sheen.

    DILUENT: A liq­uid used in coat­ings to reduce the con­sis­tency and make a coat­ing flow more eas­ily. The water in latex coat­ings is a dilu­ent. A dilu­ent may also be called a “Reducer,” “Thin­ner,” “Reduc­ing Agent” or “Reduc­ing Solvent.”

    DRIERS: Var­i­ous com­pounds added to coat­ings to speed the drying.

    DRY COLORS: Powder-​​type col­ors to be mixed with water, alco­hol or min­eral spir­its and resin to form a paint or stain.

    DRYING OIL: An oil that when exposed to air will dry to a solid through chem­i­cal reac­tion with air: lin­seed oil, tung oil, per­illa, fish oil, soy­bean oil.

    EARTH PIGMENT: Those pig­ments that are obtained from the earth, includ­ing barytes, ocher, chalk and graphite.

    EGGSHELL: Gloss lying between semi­gloss and flat.

    EMULSION: A mix­ture of solids sus­pended in a liquid.

    EMULSION PAINT: Coat­ing in which resins are sus­pended in water, then flow together with the aid of an emulsifier. Example: latex paint.

    ENAMEL: Broad clas­si­fi­ca­tion of paints that dry to a hard, usu­ally glossy fin­ish. Most equipment-​​coating enam­els require bak­ing. Enam­els for walls do not.

    EPOXY: Extremely tough and durable syn­thetic resin used in some coat­ings. Epoxy coat­ings are extremely tough, durable and highly resis­tant to chem­i­cals, abra­sion, mois­ture and alcohol.

    EXTENDER: Ingre­di­ents added to paint to increase cov­er­age, reduce cost, achieve dura­bil­ity, alter appear­ance, con­trol rhe­ol­ogy and influ­ence other desir­able prop­er­ties. Less expen­sive than prime hid­ing pig­ments such as tita­nium diox­ide. Exam­ples: bar­ium sul­phate, cal­cium car­bon­ate, clay, gyp­sum, sil­ica, talc. May also improve coat­ing performance.

  • F-L

    FILM BUILD: Amount of thick­ness pro­duced in an appli­ca­tion. Mil­lime­ters (mils) of dry film per mils of applied wet film.

    FILM THICKNESS: Depth or thick­ness of the dry coat­ing in millimeters.

    FIRE RESISTANCE: The abil­ity of a coat­ing to with­stand fire or to pro­tect the sub­strate to which it is applied from fire damage.

    FIRE RETARDANT: A coat­ing which will (1) reduce flame spread, (2) resist igni­tion when exposed to high tem­per­a­ture or (3) insu­late the sub­strate and delay dam­age to the substrate.

    FLAT: A sur­face that scat­ters or absorbs the light falling on it so as to be sub­stan­tially free from gloss or sheen (0−15 gloss on a 60-​​degree gloss meter).

    FORCED DRY: Bak­ing the paint between room tem­per­a­ture and 150 degrees F to speed the dry­ing process.

    GALVANIZING: Process in which a thin coat­ing of zinc is applied to iron or steel to pre­vent rust.

    GLOSS: The lus­ter or shini­ness of paints and coat­ings. Dif­fer­ent types of gloss are fre­quently arbi­trar­ily dif­fer­en­ti­ated, such as sheen, distinctness-​​of-​​image gloss, etc. Trade prac­tice rec­og­nizes the fol­low­ing gloss lev­els, in increas­ing order of gloss:flat (or matte)– prac­ti­cally free from sheen, even when viewed from oblique angles (usu­ally less than 15 on 60-​​degree meter); eggshell– usu­ally 20–35 on 60-​​degree meter; semi-gloss–usually 35–70 on 60-​​degree meter; full-gloss–smooth and almost mirror-​​like sur­face when viewed from all angles, usu­ally above 70 on 60-​​degree meter.

    GLOSS METER: A device for mea­sur­ing the light reflectance of coat­ings. Dif­fer­ent brands with the same descrip­tion (such as semi-​​gloss or flat) may have quite dif­fer­ent rat­ings on the gloss meter.

    HARDENER: Cur­ing agent for epox­ies or fiberglass.

    HAP: See Haz­ardous Air Pollutant

    HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT: Pol­lu­tants that are known or sus­pected to cause can­cer or other seri­ous health effects, such as repro­duc­tive effects or birth defects, or adverse envi­ron­men­tal effects.

    HEPA VACUUM: High-​​efficiency par­tic­u­late air-​​filtered vac­uum designed to remove lead– con­t­a­m­i­nated dust.

    INERT: A mate­r­ial that will not react chem­i­cally with other ingredients.

    IN-PLACE MANAGEMENT: A series of steps used as an alter­na­tive to lead-​​based paint removal. Improves con­di­tion of intact lead-​​based paint to reduce and/​or elim­i­nate haz­ards with­out total removal.

    INTUMESCENCE: A mech­a­nism whereby fire-​​retardant paints pro­tect the sub­strates to which they are applied. An intu­mes­cent paint puffs up when exposed to high tem­per­a­tures, form­ing an insu­lat­ing, pro­tec­tive layer over the substrate.

    LACQUER: A fast-​​drying usu­ally clear coat­ing that is highly flam­ma­ble and dries by sol­vent evap­o­ra­tion only. Can be recon­sti­tuted after dry­ing by adding solvent. Historical Note: The word lac­quer is derived from the word lac, which describes the secre­tions of the lac bee­tle. This insect, found mainly in Asia, deposits its secre­tions on branches of trees and this crop is later har­vested. The resin devel­oped by the insects, in its orig­i­nal state, con­tains a red dye. This dye is sep­a­rated from the resin by boil­ing in water. Next, the residue resin, known as seed lac, is melted, strained, cooled, and flaked and then becomes shellac.

    LATEX-BASED PAINT: Gen­eral term used for water-based emul­sion paints made with syn­thetic binders such as 100% acrylic, vinyl acrylic, ter­poly­mer or styrene acrylic. A sta­ble emul­sion of poly­mers and pig­ment in water.

    LEAD: A metal, pre­vi­ously used as a pig­ment in paints. Dis­con­tin­ued in the early 1950s by indus­try con­sen­sus stan­dard, and banned by the Con­sumer Prod­ucts Safety Com­mis­sion in 1978 because of its toxicity.

    LEFTOVER PAINT: See Post-​​Consumer Paint Management

    LINSEED OIL: Dry­ing oil made from the flax seed. Used as a sol­vent in many oil– based paints. “Boiled” lin­seed oil can be used to pro­tect wood from water dam­age. Some­times used as a fur­ni­ture polish.

    LIQUID DRIERS: Solu­tion of sol­u­ble dri­ers in organic solvents.

    LITHOPONE: A white pig­ment of bar­ium sul­fate and zinc sulfide. Historical Note: Litho­pone was once a pri­mary sub­sti­tute for lead car­bon­ate or “white lead” pig­ments; it has been largely replaced by tita­nium dioxide.

  • M-Si

    MARINE PAINT: Coat­ing spe­cially designed for immer­sion in water and expo­sure to marine atmos­phere. (See also Anti-​​fouling Paint).

    MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS): Infor­ma­tion sheet that lists any haz­ardous sub­stance that com­prises one per­cent or more of the product’s total vol­ume. Also lists pro­ce­dures to fol­low in the event of fire, explo­sion, leak or expo­sure to haz­ardous sub­stance by inhala­tion, inges­tion or con­tact with skin or eyes. Coat­ings man­u­fac­tur­ers are required to pro­vide retail­ers with an MSDS for every prod­uct they sell to the retailer. Sales clerks should make MSDSs avail­able to retail customers.

    MINERAL SPIRITS: Paint thin­ner. Sol­vent dis­tilled from petroleum.

    MONOMER: Sub­stance com­posed of low mol­e­c­u­lar weight mol­e­cules capa­ble of react­ing with like or unlike mol­e­cules to form a polymer.

    NAPHTHA: A petro­leum dis­til­late used mostly by pro­fes­sion­als (as opposed to do-​​it– your­self painters) for cleanup and to thin solvent-​​based coat­ings. A volatile organic com­pound (see VOC).

    NATURAL RESINS: Resins from trees, plants, fish and insects. Exam­ples: damars, copals.

    NONVOLATILE: The por­tion of a coat­ing left after the sol­vent evap­o­rates; some­times called the solids content.

    OIL PAINT: A paint that con­tains dry­ing oil, oil var­nish or oil-​​modified resin as the film-​​forming ingre­di­ent. The term is com­monly and incor­rectly used to refer to any paint sol­u­ble by organic solvents.

    OLEORESIN: A nat­ural plant prod­uct that con­tains oil and resins. Tur­pen­tine is an example.

    OXIDATION: Chem­i­cal reac­tion upon expo­sure to oxy­gen. Some coat­ings cure by oxi­da­tion, when oxy­gen enters the liq­uid coat­ing and cross-​​links the resin mol­e­cules. This film-​​forming method is also called “Air Cure” and “Air Dry.” (Oxi­da­tion also causes rust on bare metals.)

    PAINT: A coat­ing includ­ing resin, a sol­vent, addi­tives, pig­ments and, in some prod­ucts, a dilu­ent. Paints are gen­er­ally opaque, and com­monly rep­re­sent the por­tion of the indus­try known as “archi­tec­tural coatings.”

    PAINT REMOVER: A chem­i­cal that soft­ens old paint or var­nish and per­mits it to be eas­ily scraped off. Also called “stripper.”

    PAINT THINNER: See Min­eral Spirits.

    PENETRATING FINISH: A fin­ish that sinks into the sub­strate, as opposed to set­tling on the surface.

    PIGMENT: Insol­u­ble, finely ground mate­ri­als that give paint its prop­er­ties of color and hide. Tita­nium diox­ide is the most impor­tant pig­ment used to pro­vide hid­ing in paint. Other pig­ments include anatase tita­nium, bar­ium metab­o­rate, bar­ium sul­phate, burnt sienna, burnt umber, car­bon black, China clay, chromium oxide, iron oxide, lead car­bon­ate, stron­tium chro­mate, Tus­can red, zinc oxide, zinc phos­phate and zinc sulfide.

    POLYMER: Sub­stance, the mol­e­cules of which con­sist of one or more struc­tural units repeated any num­ber of times; vinyl resins are exam­ples of true polymers.

    POLYMERIZATION: The inter­lock­ing of mol­e­cules by chem­i­cal reac­tion to pro­duce very large mol­e­cules. The process of mak­ing plas­tics and plastic-​​based resins.

    POLYVINYL CHLORIDE: A syn­thetic resin used in the binders of coat­ings. Tends to dis­color under expo­sure to ultra­vi­o­let radi­a­tion. Com­monly called “vinyl.”

    POST-CONSUMER PAINT MANAGEMENT: The fol­low­ing steps are rec­om­mended for deal­ing with post-​​consumer (left­over) paint: (1) Pur­chase the cor­rect amount of paint. (2) Store paint properly. (3) Use left­over paint. (4) Reuse, donate or recycle. (5) Dis­pose of paint prop­erly as a last resort.

    PRIMER: First com­plete coat of paint of a paint­ing sys­tem applied to a sur­face. Such paints are designed to pro­vide ade­quate adhe­sion to new sur­faces or are for­mu­lated to meet the spe­cial require­ments of the surfaces.

    PROPELLANT: The gas used to expel mate­ri­als from aerosol containers.

    RESIN: Syn­thetic or nat­ural mate­r­ial used as the binder in coat­ings. Can be translu­cent or trans­par­ent, solid or semi-​​solid. Examples: acrylic, alkyd, copal ester, epoxy, polyurethane, polyvinyl chlo­ride, silicone.

    ROSIN: Nat­ural resin obtained from liv­ing pine trees or from dead tree stumps and knots.

    SEMI-GLOSS FINISH: Fin­ish that has a low lus­ter sheen. Semi-​​gloss paints are for­mu­lated to give this result (usu­ally 35–70 degrees on a 60-​​degree meter).

    SHELLAC: A coat­ing made from puri­fied lac dis­solved in alco­hol, often bleached white.

    SILICONE: A resin used in the binders of coat­ings. Also used as an addi­tive to pro­vide spe­cific prop­er­ties (e.g. defoamer). Paints con­tain­ing sil­i­cone are very slick and resist dirt, graf­fiti and bac­te­r­ial growth, and are sta­ble in high heat.

  • So-Z

    SOLIDS: The part of the coat­ing that remains on a sur­face after the vehi­cle has evap­o­rated. The dried paint film. Also called Nonvolatile.

    SOLVENT: Any liq­uid which can dis­solve a resin. Gen­er­ally refers to the liq­uid por­tion of paints and coat­ings that evap­o­rates as the coat­ing dries.

    SOURCE REDUCTION: Steps taken to reduce waste gen­er­a­tion and tox­i­c­ity at the source through more effec­tive uti­liza­tion of raw mate­ri­als and reformulation.

    SPECULAR GLOSS: Mirror-​​like fin­ish (usu­ally 60 degrees on a 60-​​degree meter).

    SUBSTRATE: Any sur­face to which a coat­ing is applied.

    TITANIUM DIOXIDE: White pig­ment in vir­tu­ally all white paints. Prime hid­ing pig­ment in most paints.

    TURPENTINE: Dis­tilled pine oil, used as a cleaner, sol­vent or thin­ner for oil-​​based and alkyd coatings.

    URETHANE: An impor­tant resin in the coat­ings indus­try. A true ure­thane coat­ing is a two-​​component prod­uct that cures when an iso­cyanate (the cat­a­lyst) prompts a chem­i­cal reac­tion that unites the components.

    VEHICLE: Por­tion of a coat­ing that includes all liq­uids and the binder. The vehi­cle and the pig­ment are the two basic com­po­nents of paint.

    VINYL: See Polyvinyl Chloride.

    VISCOSITY: The prop­erty of a fluid whereby it tends to resist rel­a­tive motion within itself.

    VOC: See Volatile Organic Compound.

    VOLATILITY: The defin­ing qual­ity of a liq­uid that evap­o­rates quickly when exposed to air.

    VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND: Organic chem­i­cals and petro­chem­i­cals that emit vapors while evap­o­rat­ing. In paints, VOC gen­er­ally refers to the sol­vent por­tion of the paint which, when it evap­o­rates, results in the for­ma­tion of paint film on the sub­strate to which it was applied.

    VOLUME SOLIDS: Solid ingre­di­ents as a per­cent­age of total ingre­di­ents. The vol­ume of pig­ment plus binder divided by the total vol­ume, expressed as a per­cent. High-​​volume solids mean a thicker dry film with improved durability.

    WATER BASED: Coat­ings in which the major­ity of the liq­uid con­tent is water.

    WHITE LEAD: Lead carbonate