Do Thermal Barrier Coatings Prevent Corrosion?


Corrosion is a major concern for many industries, causing billions of dollars in damage and repair costs each year. One solution that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of thermal barrier coatings. But do these coatings actually prevent corrosion? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of thermal barrier coatings and how ThermaCote®, a leader in the industry, can help protect your assets from corrosion.

What Are Thermal Barrier Coatings?

Thermal barrier coatings are specialized coatings applied to surfaces to provide insulation and protection against various environmental factors, including corrosion. These coatings are typically made from advanced materials such as ceramics, polymers or a combination of both.

ThermaCote® is a proprietary thermal barrier coating that offers superior corrosion, abrasion and weather resistance. It creates its own insulation layer and also protects and reinforces the building’s existing insulation, which can degrade over time. By keeping more warm or cool air in the building, you save energy and prolong the life of your heating and cooling units.

Whether you’re in construction, manufacturing, aerospace, or marine industries, ThermaCote® is an ideal solution for your corrosion prevention needs. Its versatility allows it to be applied to a wide range of surfaces, including metal, concrete, wood and even glass.

How Do Thermal Barrier Coatings Prevent Corrosion?

Corrosion occurs when a material, typically a metal, undergoes a chemical reaction with its environment, leading to deterioration and degradation. There are various types of corrosion, such as uniform corrosion, which affects the entire surface of a metal, and pitting corrosion, which creates small holes in the metal surface. Galvanic corrosion occurs when two dissimilar metals are in contact with each other in the presence of an electrolyte.

Thermal barrier coatings prevent corrosion by creating a protective layer between the surface and the environment. ThermaCote® seals substrates, which fights corrosion, weatherization and abrasion. Any porous substrate can be sealed, extending the life of the substrate and protecting it from outside forces. This is especially important in harsh environments where corrosion is a significant problem, such as coastal areas, industrial facilities and offshore structures.

The protective layer created by ThermaCote® acts as a barrier, preventing moisture, chemicals and other corrosive elements from coming into direct contact with the surface. This helps to significantly slow down the corrosion process, extending the life of the substrate and reducing maintenance and repair costs. By addressing various types of corrosion, ThermaCote® provides comprehensive protection for your assets.

Benefits of Using ThermaCote® for Corrosion Prevention

  1. Superior Corrosion Resistance: ThermaCote® offers superior corrosion resistance, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor applications. It can withstand exposure to various chemicals, moisture and other corrosive elements.
  2. Versatility: ThermaCote® can be used with new construction or retrofit projects. It can be applied to a wide range of surfaces, including metal, concrete and wood, making it a versatile solution for many industries.
  3. Energy Savings: By creating an additional insulation layer, ThermaCote® helps keep more warm or cool air inside the building, reducing energy costs and improving your company’s carbon footprint. This can lead to significant savings over time, especially in large commercial or industrial facilities.
  4. Sustainability: ThermaCote® is a sustainable, environmentally friendly product. It does not contain harmful chemicals or pollutants, making it safe for both indoor and outdoor use. By reducing energy consumption and extending the life of substrates, ThermaCote® contributes to a more sustainable future.

Why Choose ThermaCote®?

ThermaCote® has been the leader in weather barrier coatings for over 30 years. Our company has developed and produced a line of technologically advanced weather barrier and protective coatings that add energy efficiency and safety to any substrate or structure.

Our purpose is to provide customers with efficient solutions to address energy loss, safety concerns, corrosion problems and personnel protection through products that also improve other building and engineering disciplines. We work closely with our customers to develop tailored and sometimes very specific application solutions to fit their requirements.

With our extensive experience and commitment to innovation, ThermaCote® is the ideal partner for your corrosion prevention needs. We are dedicated to helping our customers protect their assets, save energy and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Choose ThermaCote® for Effective Corrosion Prevention

If you’re looking for a reliable and effective solution for preventing corrosion, ThermaCote® is the answer. Our proprietary thermal barrier coating offers superior protection against corrosion, abrasion and weather, while also improving energy efficiency and sustainability. Contact us today to learn more about how ThermaCote® can benefit your business and protect your assets from the damaging effects of corrosion. Our team of experts is ready to work with you to develop a customized solution that meets your specific needs and requirements.


How long does ThermaCote® last?

ThermaCote® is a durable coating that can last for many years, depending on the application and environment. In most cases, ThermaCote® can provide effective corrosion protection for over a decade, making it a long-term solution for asset protection.

Can ThermaCote® be applied to existing structures?

Yes, ThermaCote® can be applied to both new construction and existing structures. It can be used as a retrofit solution to improve corrosion resistance and energy efficiency. This makes it an ideal choice for facilities looking to extend the life of their assets and reduce maintenance costs.

Is ThermaCote® safe for the environment?

Yes, ThermaCote® is an environmentally friendly product that does not contain harmful chemicals or pollutants. It is safe for both indoor and outdoor use and does not pose any risks to the environment. By choosing ThermaCote®, you can protect your assets while also contributing to a greener future.

How does ThermaCote® compare to other corrosion prevention methods?

ThermaCote® offers several advantages over other corrosion prevention methods, such as paint or galvanization. It provides superior corrosion resistance, improved energy efficiency and longer-lasting protection. Additionally, ThermaCote® is a sustainable and environmentally friendly option, making it the ideal choice for companies looking to reduce their environmental impact.