Can You Paint Over Thermal Barrier Coatings?


Adding a layer of paint is often a final step when attempting to approve the appearance of a building or object. As such, it is natural for people to wonder if you can paint over a thermal barrier coating. This article will reveal whether or not that is possible and explain one reason why you might not need to paint over a thermal barrier coating at all. 

Is it Possible to Paint a Thermal Barrier Coating?

It is possible to paint over a thermal barrier coating, but the process will not be identical to a typical paint job. Instead, thermal barrier coatings often serve as a primer layer, meaning that you can proceed to top-coating rather than applying a primer yourself. 

Additionally, some types of thermal barrier coatings will require a tie-coat. Tie coats increase adhesion, making it more likely that your paint job will stick to the thermal barrier coating and remain in place. 

What is the Best Type of Paint to Use for a Thermal Barrier Coating?

Unfortunately, not all types of paint are useful when painting over a thermal barrier coating. Instead, it is best to use latex paint to complete this process. After ensuring you choose latex paint, you can choose any color you like to enhance the appearance of a thermal barrier coating. 

Why it’s not Always Necessary to Paint Over a Thermal Barrier Coating

While you’re likely considering painting a thermal barrier coating, it may not be necessary to do so. Some of the best thermal barrier coatings look just like a final layer of latex paint. That appearance leads these thermal barrier coatings to have an aesthetically pleasing surface. As such, painting over them is not needed at all. 

How Do You Apply a Thermal Barrier Coating?

There are some different ways to apply a thermal barrier coating. However, we recommend using a sprayer to perform this application. Using a sprayer ensures an even distribution of the coating across the material’s entire surface. Even coatings also ensure the thermal barrier coating does its job properly. 

Additionally, there are a few environmental factors to consider when applying a thermal barrier coating. Ideally, the humidity should be low, and the air temperature should remain above 55 degrees Fahrenheit. These environmental conditions encourage better adhesion and ensure the ideal viscosity for the thermal barrier coating. 

Beyond that, there are not many requirements involved in the application of these products. Thermal barrier coatings are useful for commercial and residential applications and can work well in both indoor and outdoor settings. 

Advantages of Using a Thermal Barrier Coating

Using a thermal barrier coating goes far beyond the aesthetics a coat of paint can provide. Instead, there are several functional benefits to using one of these coatings, regardless of the application. Below are a few leading examples of the benefits these coatings provide:

  1. Reduced thermal energy transfer: As the name implies, a thermal barrier coating dramatically reduces thermal energy transfer. This means that extreme heat and cold will have less of an effect on the materials a thermal barrier coating protects. This not only protects the material but also increases insulation. 
  2. Corrosion prevention: Corrosion is one of the leading causes of deterioration of metal components. This deterioration causes metals to break down and require repairs more often. Fortunately, thermal barrier coatings make it much more difficult for metals to corrode, thus increasing their effectiveness and lifespan. 
  3. Less condensation: While it may seem benign, condensation can be detrimental to many different processes. Thermal barrier coatings make it far more difficult for condensation to accumulate, even when humidity is present. 
  4. Protection from the elements: Materials can receive damage from extreme changes in temperature and humidity. Other forces of nature, like strong winds, can also impact a material’s structural integrity. The protection thermal barrier coatings provide ensures that these forms of damage will have minimal impact on the materials they could potentially harm. 
  5. Greater energy efficiency: The protection a thermal barrier coating provides makes it easier for HVAC units to operate. Better HVAC efficiency leads to improved energy use and lowers your energy bills.

Use the Best Thermal Barrier Coating You Can Find

There are many different thermal barrier coatings you can choose to use. However, certain products are more effective than others. For example, ThermaCote is a company that prides itself on producing the best thermal barrier coatings that you can find. The best part is that our thermal barrier coatings look just like latex paint, which means you won’t need to worry about painting over them. 

Additionally, our thermal barrier coatings provide excellent performance and come with some impressive features that we would love to tell you more about. If you want to learn about how our thermal barrier coatings can benefit you, reach out today to learn more.